New Delhi:The Congress on Tuesday downplayed a controversy that erupted over a photograph showing Rahul Gandhi along with British MP Jeremy Corbyn in London. The picture was posted on social media platform Twitter from the official handle of Indian Overseas Congress and showed its chairman Sam Pitroda, Rahul and Jeremy together.
Corbyn, a former Labour Party MP, is known for his anti-India and anti-Hindu views besides his open advocacy of the Kashmir separatists.
“Political leaders have met in the past and will meet in the future other leaders having divergent and opposite views to us and get a picture taken,” Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said in response to BJP leader Kapil Mishra’s comments critical of the said photograph.
"What is Rahul Gandhi doing with Jeremy Corbyn (the guy in the middle) in London? Jeremy Corbyn is infamous for his Anti India, Anti Hindu Stand. Jeremy Corbyn is openly advocating separation of Kashmir from India,” BJP leader Kapil Mishra questioned, tweeting a photograph.
BJP's Department of Foreign Affairs in charge Vijay Chauthaiwale also slammed Rahul, saying, "Anti-Hindu and anti-India forces in the UK received open support from Rahul Gandhi.”