Bengaluru: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Thursday visited the residence of late actor Puneeth Rajkumar here and paid tribute to the late Kannada superstar. The MP, who is on a two-day visit to the state was accompanied by the Congress state unit President DK Shivakumar and Leader of Opposition Siddaramaiah.
"I paid my condolences to Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar and other family members of famous Kannada actor late Puneeth Rajkumar after visiting their home. Puneeth left unforgettable memories for all Kannadigas at a young age," Rahul Gandhi tweeted in Kannada after his visit. Congress leader Randeep Singh Surjewala, the party's Campaign Committee chairman M B Patil, and former union minister KH Muniyappa also accompanied Rahul Gandhi.
Puneeth Rajkumar, known had passed away on October 29 last year at the age of 46 following a cardiac arrest. He was admitted to Vikram Hospital in Bengaluru, after experiencing chest pain, where he breathed his last. Son of matinee idol Rajkumar, Puneeth was fondly called 'Appu' by his fans.