New Delhi:Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Friday took a swipe at the Narendra Modi government over the increase in fuel prices and said the condition of the government is such that if the rates do not increase then it becomes big news. In a tweet in Hindi, Rahul Gandhi, who is Congress Lok Sabha MP from Kerala's Wayanad said, "Such is the development of Modi government that if the prices of petrol and diesel do not increase any day then it becomes a bigger news."
His remarks came over the issue of an increase in the price of fuel prices across the country. On Friday, petrol prices were hiked again by 26-27 paise while diesel rates went up by 28-30 paise, taking fuel prices across metros to record highs. In several states, the price of petrol per litre has crossed Rs 100 while diesel is selling over Rs 90 per litre.