New Delhi: BJP's national spokesperson Sambit Patra on Wednesday accused Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of revealing the Delhi's Nangal rape victim's identity and using the issue for fulfilling his political agenda. He also demanded that the National Commission of Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) take strict action against the Congress leader under the POCSO Act. The comments came soon after the Wayanad MP met the family of the minor girl who was allegedly raped, murdered and cremated without her parents' consent in Delhi's Old Nangal crematorium.
Patra alleged that a tweet by the Congress leader violates section 23 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and section 74 of Juvenile Justice Care and Protection of Children Act that prohibits revealing the minor's identity. The BJP leader demanded the National Commission of Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) to take strict action against Rahul under the POCSO Act, further urging the Commission to issue a notice to him.
Addressing a press conference here today, Patra said, "His (Rahul Gandhi) tweet violates Sec 23 of POCSO Act and sec 74 of Juvenile Justice Care and Protection of Children Act that prohibits revealing the minor's identity. He revealed the identity of the child's family and is using the issue for his political agenda." "I appeal to the National Commission of Protection of Child Rights to take strict action under the POCSO Act and a notice must be issued to him. No one is a VIP. Rahul Gandhi must be answerable to this," added Patra.