New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party IT Cell chief Amit Malviya again launched a scathing attack on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his visit to violence-hit Manipur and said that he's just a political opportunist. The Congress leader will be in Manipur on June 29 and 30 during which he is scheduled to visit relief camps and interact with civil society representatives in Imphal and Churachandpur. Powered By PlayUnmute Fullscreen The BJP IT cell chief in a tweet said that Rahul Gandhi is "no messiah of peace just a political opportunist, who wants to keep the pot boiling."
Malviya said that not once did the Congress leader visit Manipur's Churachandpur from 2015-17 to meet the victims of ethnic violence that raged following Congress CM Okram Ibobi Singh Govt's decision to pass three Bills. "Not once did Rahul Gandhi visit Churachandpur in Manipur between 2015-17, to meet the victims of ethnic violence, that raged following Congress CM Okram Ibobi Singh Govt's decision to pass three Bills - the Protection of Manipur People's Bill, 2015, Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (Seventh Amendment) Bill, 2015, and Manipur Shops and Establishments (Second Amendment) Bill, 2015, which were seen by the people of Churachandpur district, comprising mostly Paites and Kukis, as 'anti-Tribal', and a 'conspiracy' by the majority Meitei community to grab Tribal land," Malviya said in his tweet.