Patna:Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has ordered the police to be strict in the implementation of the prohibition across the state. The opposition RJD has been criticising the state government alleging that the police were harassing the people of the state by raiding weddings in the name of prohibition.
Responding to this, Nitish Kumar said that he did not receive any complaint in that regard. Speaking to reporters in Patna, the Chief Minister said that in order to curb illegal liquor consumption orders were given to the police to crack the whip against those who serve liquor in functions and marriages illegally. Hence, they are fulfilling their responsibility wherever they receive the news of liquor being served, they are conducting raids on the premises, he said.
Meanwhile, on a tip-off, the police team conducted a raid on a banquet hall at the Ramakrishna Nagar police station area where a wedding was being performed in which a large number of women were present.