Patna: Former Bihar Chief Minister Rabri Devi has been appointed as the Leader of the Opposition in the Bihar Legislative Council by the Rashtriya Janata Dal(RJD). The RJD handed over a letter to this effect to the Executive Chairman of the House on Wednesday which was accepted by the Chairman. At present, RJD has 11 MLCs in the 75 -seat Bihar Legislative Council while a minimum of 8 seats are required to get the status of the leadership role. Rabri was expected to bag the top post after the RJD won 6 seats in the MLC elections.
RJD is the main opposition party in Bihar Assembly and Tejashwi Yadav has the status of Leader of Opposition. In the Legislative Assembly, the RJD strongly influences the policies of the government, but in the Legislative Council, the RJD has been unable to corner the government. The Leader of the Opposition post is expected to give the RJD a shot in the arm.