Bathinda: Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Thursday said that with continued progress Punjab will shine like the 'Kohinoor' diamond, even as he accused the previous dispensations of failing to tackle corruption and poverty in the state. Addressing a gathering after hoisting the national flag at a Republic day function here at Shaheed Bhagat Singh Sports stadium, Mann said that even after 75 years of the Independence, the dreams of our freedom fighters such as Bhagat Singh and Dr BR Ambedkar remain unfulfilled.
People had high hopes from successive governments, but they were dashed because of corruption, poverty, unemployment and many other ills that are still deeply embedded in the state, he said. The AAP government has come like a breath of fresh air in Punjab as it is committed to fulfil the aspirations of people of the state, the CM said. He said he would prefer dying than ever favouring his family or relatives in public works.
"I do not sign any scheme which is against the interests of Punjab. The day I sign a contract of sand mining to give it to any of my relatives, then understand it to mean Mann has signed his own death warrant," he said. Recounting the glory of martyrs from Punjab, Mann said more than 90 per cent of the patriots who were killed by the British or were subjected to torture were "in one form or the other, Punjabis."