Dharamsala: Police on Wednesday arrested a man from Punjab for allegedly hanging pro-Khalistan flags at the entrance of the Himachal Pradesh Assembly in Dharamsala last week. Police identified the accused as 30-year-old Harbir Singh. The accused is a resident of Rupnagar district and was arrested by a team of police under the supervision of SIT in-charge Vimukt Ranjan.
Himachal Pradesh Police also raided the house of another accused Paramjit Singh in Ropar's Chamakpur district on Wednesday morning, but the accused was not there. As per police, arrested Harbir had come to Himachal from Punjab to put up the Khalistani flag and stayed at night in a home stay near Dharamsala. Later he went to the assembly building on a scooter and hanged the pro-Khalistani flags at night and also made a video.