CHANDIGARH: The Punjab and Haryana High Court, on Monday, will hear the bail plea of Bikram Singh Majithia, a senior leader of Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) in a drug case. Majithia's bail application will be heard by a double bench of the High Court. At present, Bikram Singh Majithia has been lodged in Patiala jail.
Earlier, Majithia had received a jolt when the Supreme Court categorically refused to dismiss the FIR registered against him. Senior leader of Shiromani Akali Dal and former Cabinet Minister Bikram Singh Majithia had surrendered before the Mohali Court after the relief granted to him by the Supreme Court, expired.
Read:SC refuses to entertain plea of SAD leader Bikram Majithia for FIR quashing, asks him to move HC
In 2017, all drug-related investigations, conducted by SIT, ED, and CBI, were filed before the court through STF. Though, it was claimed that drug-related probe findings were not released to date. On the other hand, Congress always claimed that Bikram Singh Majithia's name was in the probe findings.
Besides, smugglers or drug dealers were frequently summoned by the Punjab Assembly for questioning. Sidhu, Sukhjinder Randhawa, Kulbir Jira, Rajkumar Verka, and Raja Waring were openly blaming Bikram Majithia for the drug racket in Punjab. However, it was stated in the probe findings submitted by the STF that information about the money trail pertaining to the drug racket has been furnished.