Chandigarh: Plans were afoot to include the farmers' movement, which went on Delhi-Haryana borders for several months for repealing the three farm laws, in the Punjab school curriculum. Farmers braving the vagaries of nature and harsh conditions took up the cudgels against the Central government's farm laws. Ultimately the farmers' struggle bore fruits and farm laws were taken back by the government.
Punjab govt plans to include farmers' agitation in school curriculum
The Punjab government has been contemplating including farmers' agitation on Delhi-Haryana borders in the State Board curriculum.
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Now, the Punjab government has been contemplating to include farmers' agitation on Delhi and Haryana borders in the syllabi of the State Board of Education. This piece of information was shared by Punjab Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains. "The teachers' Unions were also demanding inclusion in the state curriculum for quite some time. It helps children to know democratic rights. When schoolchildren will read about the farmers' movement, then only they will know how fighting unitedly for a cause can yield results."
Punjab education department