Punjab:Hours after being dropped from the state cabinet, Vijay Singla was arrested on corruption charges with Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann asserting that his government has zero-tolerance towards corruption. Mann who made the decision public through a video message said the decision was made after he learnt about his cabinet colleague's corrupt act.
Singla was allegedly demanding one per cent commission in tenders and purchases of his department. Mann said that he has also directed the police to register a case against Singla. "A case was brought to my notice in which one minister in my government was demanding one per cent commission from each tender or purchase of his department. I took this case very seriously. Only I knew this case. Neither media nor opposition knew it," Mann said.
"I am taking strict action against that minister and I am removing him from the cabinet. I am also giving directions to the police to register a case against him. That minister's name is Vijay Singla. He was the health minister," Mann announced. The CM said that Singla was allegedly involved in wrongdoings in his department and he has also admitted to the same.
Also read:Martyrs' Day: CM Bhagwant Mann launches anti-corruption WhatsApp helpline