Chandigarh:The Punjab government has honoured Neeraj Chopra, the Gold medalist in the Tokyo Olympic Games on Wednesday. The Punjab government has given a reward of Rs 2.5 crores to Neeraj Chopra for his stunning achievement. All the Olympians of Punjab, including Neeraj Chopra, who participated in the Olympics, was invited for dinner by Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh. The Punjab CM personally cooked the food and served it to the Olympians.
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Neeraj Chopra said that Haryana and Punjab governments are encouraging the players and providing facilities. He added that the rest of the states should also enhance the incentives of the players and provide facilities. Neeraj said that there should be no shortage of players so that India could win more Olympic medals in future. He also expressed thanks to Punjab CM for inviting the Olympians and cooking food for them.