Chandigarh: The Punjab government on Friday decided to appoint the sons of two former Congress leaders as a police inspector and a naib tehsildar respectively by giving "relaxation in the relevant rules". As per an official release, the state Cabinet gave the approval to appoint Arjun Pratap Singh Bajwa as Inspector (Group B) in Punjab Police.
"The applicant is the grandson of former Minister Satnam Singh Bajwa, "who laid his life in 1987 for sake of peace and harmony in the State. He has been given an appointment by allowing one-time waiver/relaxation in the relevant rules without making it a precedent," the release said.
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In another decision, the Cabinet also gave the nod to the appointment of Bhisham Pandey, the grandson of Joginder Pal Pandey who was gunned down by terrorists in 1987, as Naib Tehsildar (Group-B) in the Revenue Department. "His appointment is also treated as a special case, by giving one-time relaxation in the policy of compassionate appointments, 2002. However, it will not be treated as a precedent," the release added.
Noting the sacrifice of their families, Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh said children and grandchildren of such people would continue to be considered by his government for compensatory appointment on case to case basis.