Punjab:Punjab Police on Sunday issued an advisory banning the manufacture, sale and use of Chinese kite flying string in the state, coming on the heels of Ujjain police's crackdown on Chinese 'manjha' sellers the previous day.
"As per the directions of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, strict action will be taken against those buying or selling Chinese kite flying string. Say No to Chinese 'Dor'," read the advisory, tweeted by Punjab Police."Chinese kite string is a non-biodegradable product. it does not get decomposed & sustains in the environment for a long time," DGP Punjab Police tweeted.
Under rule 144 of CrPC Act 1973, the advisory added, people involved in selling Chinese kite string will be punished. It urged parents not to allow their children to use it for kite flying and make them aware of its outcome.
On Saturday, amid the reports of deaths by throat slitting due to Chinese 'manjha', police in Ujjain swung into action by launching a crackdown on the sale and use of the banned Chinese string used in kite flying. In Ujjain, a girl had died after her throat was slit by Chinese 'manjha'. Police in Ujjain have activated drone surveillance to detect users and sellers of banned Chinese 'manjha'.