Chandigarh: The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Friday dismissed a plea for protection filed by a live-in couple observing that the duo lived an adulterous life without getting a divorce from their respective spouses. The Bench of Justice Arvind Singh Sangwan was hearing the plea filed by the couple who contended that they both are in love with each other for several years and are in a live-in relationship for a month.
Earlier, petitioner No. 1 aged about 35 years and petitioner No. 2 aged about 32 years who were both married had expressed fear for their lives in their complaint made to the Superintendent of Police, Kaithal, however, they were unable to state as to from whom they were facing the threats.
Also read:Live-in relationship between man, married woman 'illicit', says Rajasthan HC
As a result, the HC dismissed their plea having made the following observation, "...both the petitioners, without seeking a divorce from their respective spouses, i.e. respondent No. 4 and 6, respectively, are living a lustful and adulterous life with each other and have relied upon a totally vague document i.e. representation wherein it is nowhere stated that from whom, they are apprehending threat to their life and liberty. It is worth noticing here that in the absence of any allegation by not naming anyone in the representation, it cannot be presumed that both the petitioners have any apprehension from their own spouses and this petition has been filed just to obtain a seal of this court on their so-called live-in relationship."