Bengaluru: James, an action thriller film, will release across 400 screens at 5 am tomorrow and will have an uninterrupted theatrical run at least for a week. It will be released worldwide in five languages including Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu. The teaser of the late Puneeth Rajkumar film was released on January 26 in all the five languages.
James is an action entertainer, directed by Chethan Kumar and produced by Kishore Pathikonda. Puneeth Rajkumar essays the titular role of James who works as a manager in a security company. He is paired opposite Priya Anand in the film. Actors like Avinash, Sarath Kumar, Srikanth Aditya Menon, Sadhu Kokila and Anu Prabhakar are in pivotal roles.
The commercial entertainer, which is set to hit the screens tomorrow is the first-ever Kannada film that has been censored in Australia and will see 100 and more shows. Apart from Ukraine and Russia, James will be screened across the European continent.