Pune:The Hadapsar Police on Monday arrested a man for raping a social activist from Delhi who was on a visit to the city for medical treatment. A case has been registered at the Hadapsar Police Station, and the accused has been arrested. Police said that the woman was admitted to a hospital for preliminary inspection and further treatment, while the accused is being interrogated.
As informed by the police, the woman is a social activist by profession, and a resident of Delhi. She arrived in Pune a few days back to receive treatment at an Ayurvedic center in Pune's Uruli Kanchan area. As she needed a place to stay, she started hunting for a rental flat in nearby areas. To make it easier, she contacted a real estate agent, Sanjay Baburao Bhosale.
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Bhosale guided her around the city as he showed her some houses in nearby areas. While she was still not sure about which flat to rent, the man took her to a high-end society located in the Hadapsar area of the city. While showing a flat there, he locked it and tried to rape her. When the woman resisted, he took out his gun and threatened to kill her if she does not cooperate. He then raped the woman and again threatened to kill her if she tells anyone or contacts the police.
The woman immediately reached the nearest police station and lodged a complaint against the man. Based on the details given, police arrested the man while the woman was sent to a hospital for treatment. The probing officials have assured appropriate action against the culprit while an investigation is underway.