Pune:At least two teams of Pune Police fanned out to trace K P Gosavi, an independent witness of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in the Mumbai cruise drugs case, who is wanted in connection with a 2018 cheating case registered against him here, an official said on Monday.
The Pune Police have already arrested Gosavi's assistant Sherbano Kureshi in connection with the cheating case filed by one Chinmay Deshmukh who had alleged that Gosavi cheated him of Rs 3.09 lakh under the pretext of providing him with a job in Malaysia in the hotel industry. Kureshi had received the money in her account.
Pune Police had issued a lookout circular to prevent Gosavi from leaving the country.
Talking about some media reports stating that Gosavi wanted to surrender before the Pune Police, Deputy Commissioner of Police Priyanka Narnavare said he had not yet approached them.