Pune:In a rape case that came to the fore from Pune, a casting director repeatedly raped and shot pornographic videos of a young woman working as a backstage artist in the industry. The case came to light after the woman lodged a complaint against the culprit at the Vishrantwadi Police station on Wednesday. As informed by a police officer here, the ordeal has been going on since May 2017.
The officials also informed that the victim was introduced to the perpetrator through a friend back in 2017. The same year in May, the casting director once invited the victim to a party at a friend's place in the Tingre Nagar area in Pune. He raped her there for the first time and threatened her with character vilification in the industry. Taking advantage of the scared victim, he continued the heinous crime and also shot a pornographic video of her.
The culprit then used the video to blackmail her and committed the crime repetitively thereafter. The victim has also claimed that she was beaten by him. She further said that she was too scared of unveiling his crimes as it would have put her fame at stake. However, tired of the atrocities, the woman finally decided to take action against the culprit and reached out to the police.