Puducherry: BJP's A Namassivayam was on Sunday allotted the Home portfolio in the AINRC-led NDA government in Puducherry, with the excercise being carried out two months after the bloc won the polls and the cabinet members other than Chief Minister N Rangasamy were sworn-in on June 27. Rangasamy was sworn in on May 7 after the NDA won the April 6 polls in this union territory. However, the other cabinet members, five of them, took oath on June 27. In UT's history, various chief ministers have held the Home portfolio except on one or two occasions and then CM V Narayanasamy helmed the department in the previous Congress government, which fell in February this year due to lack of a majority.
In its first representation in any cabinet in Puducherry, 'Home' was allotted to BJP's Namassivayam while CM Rangasamy would hold a number of portfolios, including Revenue, General Administration, Health and Family Welfare and Hindu Religious Institutions. Hours after the chief minister submitted the list of portfolios to Lt Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan on Sunday morning, a Gazette notification of the Confidential and Cabinet Department said she "is pleased to allocate to the Ministers the business of the Government in consultation with the Chief Minister...."
Read:Keeping ally BJP Guessing, Rangasamy Plays the Cards Close to his Chest