Chennai: Two kids stole a hefty amount of Rs 8 lakh from their father and gave the amount to their 15-year-old friend to get a connection with those who excel in the game. The 15-year old gave the amount to his parents and they are now absconding. The incident took place on Thursday.
According to the Teynampet police, Natarajan runs a grocery store in the Teynampet area of Chennai. His sons studying in classes 10 and 12 respectively. For savings, he had been keeping some money for purchasing a new house.
After the money went missing, he enquired with his sons through which he had filed a police complaint.
Grocery shop owner Natarajan was shocked to find Rs 8 lakh missing from his shop. Realizing that this cannot be done by outsiders, he sternly enquired with his sons about the huge amount.
His sons accepted that they have stolen the money for gaming purposes. Both the kids were addicted to PUBG. They said they gave the amount to their 15-year-old friend in order to get a connection with those who excel in the game.