Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Thursday said that an impartial probe is on in connection with the alleged scam in the recruitment of police sub-inspectors (PSI) and all those involved will be booked and brought to justice. He hit out at Congress leaders for making "baseless" allegations against his cabinet colleague and Higher Education Minister C N Ashwath Narayan in connection with the scam and accused the opposition party of involving in "hit and run" without any evidence.
"Whatever complaints have come from whomever, they will be considered, if any documents are given they will be examined and inquiry will be done. If there is any truth, whoever needs to be booked in the case will be booked," Bommai said in response to a question regarding the PSI scam. Speaking to reporters here, he said, the government is very clear with an open mind for an impartial probe, and investigations is on at a large scale. The scam is about large-scale rigging or malpractices in the examination that was held in October last year to recruit 545 police sub-inspectors in the State.
Recently, the State government decided to annul the examination that was held for recruitment and decided to hold a re-exam. Stating that not only Divya Hagargi, who is said to be the main suspect, there are several others involved in this case, the Chief Minister said they are all being booked. Questioning whether there were any arrests in the past in connection with any exam malpractices, he said, over 25 people have been arrested so far in the PSI scam case and as the probe continues, it may increase.