Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh):Soon after he condemned the Lakhimpur Kheri incident, in which a car belonging to a Union minister's car ran over a group of protesting farmers, Pilibhit Varun Gandhi was Thursday dropped from the newly constituted BJP national executive. His mother and Sultanpur MP Maneka Gandhi, a former Union minister, was also excluded from the national executive.
Earlier in the day, Varun Gandhi tweeted a clearer video of the farmers run over at Lakhimpur Kheri and demanded accountability for the innocent blood of farmers that has been spilt.
"The video is crystal clear. Protestors cannot be silenced through murder. There has to be accountability for the innocent blood of farmers that has been spilled and justice must be delivered before a message of arrogance and cruelty enters the minds of every farmer," the BJP MP tweeted.
Also read:Varun Gandhi making BJP uncomfortable with his attitude