Bhagalpur (Bihar): A group of activists belonging to Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, and Bajrang Dal stormed the Deep Prabha cinema hall where the movie 'Pathaan' was to be screened on Wednesday. Some activists scaled the façade of the cinema and tore down the posters. The protesters also put the torn posters on fire. Before leaving the place, protesters created a ruckus at the cinema hall. They also raised slogans and demanded the government immediately ban the screening of the movie 'Pathaan'.
One of the protesters said, "It was unfortunate that movies like Kashmir Files were not screened in this theatre. The Kashmir Files speaks about the truth. On the other hand, a movie that targets the religion of a particular community is shown in the cinema hall. The saffron color which is part of our culture was shown in a poor light in the movie Pathaan. Saffron means austerity measures and penance. We will not allow screening of the movie."