New Delhi: Replying to a question regarding the number of properties restored for Kashmiri Pandits in the valley in the last five years, Minister of State (MoS), Home, Nityanand Rai in Rajya Sabha said on Wednesday that the land of 610 migrants has been restored during the time.
"As per the information provided by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir, the land of 610 applicants (migrants) has been restored in the last five years," stated Rai in a written reply.
He further stated that under the J & K Migrant Immovable Property (Preservation, Protection & Restraint on Distress Sales) Act, 1997, District Magistrates (DMs) of concerned Districts in Jammu & Kashmir are the legal custodians of the immovable properties of Migrants.
"The DMs are further empowered to take all steps for the preservation and protection of such properties," he added.
Rai also said that the Union Government has taken several measures "to rehabilitate the Kashmiri Migrants" back into the valley. The steps include the creation of 3000 State Government jobs created for the Kashmiri Migrants under the Prime Minister’s Development Package-2015 (PMDP-2015) at an outlay of Rs. 1080 crores.