Lucknow:Congress leader and a prominent Muslim leader of western Uttar Pradesh Imran Masood shared his sentiments before going to join Samajwadi Party and said, "The battle in Uttar Pradesh has completely turned into SP vs BJP, and its become our compulsion to make a decision between these two."
This development is been seen as a major setback for Congress which is struggling for its ground in UP ahead of assembly polls. Earlier, Imran Masood had a meeting with Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav and after consulting with his supporters in Saharanpur, two days ago he made the announcement of going with SP.
While interacting with ETV Bharat Imran Masood said that "the present situation in Uttar Pradesh is quite apparent to all. Youths and farmers are all worried. Because youngsters don't have employment, farmers are not getting the cost for their crops and the whole state has been in a limbo,"