Chennai:Chennai police's special team led by assistant commissioner Franklin Reuben on Thursday nabbed a man for brutally thrashing a woman followed by an attempt to sexually assault her in the middle of a street here in the Ram Nagar area. The woman lodged a complaint against the man with the police on Tuesday and during the investigation, the CCTV footage from the spot was examined. The police have identified the accused as Tamilchelvan alias Saravanan, an assistant professor in a private engineering college. Police said that Saravanan was in an inebriated condition when he attacked the woman and a case was registered against him.
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The CCTV footage shows that Saravanan followed the victim and hit her Scooty with his bike intentionally. Then he reached out to help the woman and lifted her Scooty. The victim then sat next to a pothole and tried to wash the dirt when Saravanan tried to put his arm around the woman. But she immediately pushed Saravanan away and started to attack him in defence.
After a few slaps from the victim, Saravanan blocked her and attacked her brutally, held her by her hair, and smashed her head to an iron gate there on the road. Saravanan is then seen repetitively punching the woman in her stomach while she fell on the road. Based on a complaint lodged by the woman, the police registered a case and took up the investigation. Later, police said that the accused will be punished under relevant sections of the law.