Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University on Wednesday suspended a professor who referred to examples of rape in Hindu mythology during a forensic science class, provoking accusations of hurting religious sentiments. According to AMU officials, Dr Jitendra Kumar, an assistant professor at AMU's Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, made references to rape in mythology while conducting a class on medical jurisprudence.
He was served a show-cause notice asking him to explain within 24 hours why disciplinary action should not be taken against him. The university authorities also set up a two-member probe committee, but he was suspended pending the outcome of the inquiry, an official said. This was because of the seriousness of the issue and preliminary evidence that indicated misconduct, the official said.
After getting the notice, the professor apologised. In a letter to AMU vice-chancellor Tariq Mansoor on Wednesday, Kumar said, "My intention was not to hurt religious sentiments of any particular religion and it was done only to highlight that rape has been a part of our society for long". He said it was an inadvertent mistake and assured that no such incident will occur in the future.