New Delhi: Delhi's Drug Controller Department told the Delhi High Court that it has initiated proceedings against Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Member of Parliament Gautam Gambhir's foundation, and Aam Aadmi Party legislators Praveen Kumar and Imran Hussain for unauthorised stocking of medical drugs and oxygens. Drug Controller Department, in an affidavit filed before the Delhi High Court, said that sales licenses of all dealers/retailers who have sold Favipiravir Tablets and Medical Oxygen to the Gautam Gambhir Foundation for conducting medical camp and free medical oxygen distribution activity have been suspended for the period of 10 days for contravening the provisions of Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, after giving them adequate opportunity to submit their explanation.
The department said that based on the inquiries made by the investigating team, a prosecution in the Court of Law has been launched against Gautam Gambhir Foundation, its trustees, and CEO on July 8, 2021, for contravening the provisions of Section 18(c) read with Section 27(b) (ii) of the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940. As per the affidavit, the prosecution has been launched against AAP MLAs Praveen Kumar and Imran Hussain too. The Drug Controller Department said that Hussain was not holding any drug license for stocking or sale or distribution of sold drug namely medical oxygen at his premises in Ballimaran and he was found to have stocked and distributed medical oxygen without holding a requisite license under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
Read: Gambhir's foundation illegally stocked-distributed Covid drugs: HC told