New Delhi: Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa launched a scathing attack on former CM Captain Amarinder Singh alleging that the latter is "scared" whether Aroosa Alam, a Pakistani journalist who has been visiting Captain for several years would be probed for ISI links.
Randhawa, who had come to Delhi to meet Congress' General Secretary in-charge KC Venugopal told media, "Nobody has said anything about enquiry. I think he has heard it wrong. I think he has his own fear. Captain Amarinder Singh has also been Chief Minister. He should know that it will be done by RAW, not by any state Government. I don't know why is he getting scared."
The Deputy CM had even quoted a video by a Pakistani Journalist alleging ISI links of Aroosa Alam and that as the issue is very sensitive, added that it shall be probed.
However, Captain had hit back at the Congress leader saying that he is now resorting to personal attacks. To which, Randhawa had tweeted, "By the way sir, @capt_amarinder why are you so perturbed over probe on Aroosa and ISI links? Who sponsored her visa and everything concerning her will be thoroughly probed. I do hope everyone concerned will co-operate with police in the probe."
Read:Dy CM Randhawa smells conspiracy in Singhu lynching; promises justice