Amritsar: Two days after their clash with the police, members of 'Waris De Punjab' (Heirs of Punjab) under the leadership of pro-Khalistan activist Amritpal Singh have paid obeisance at Sachkhand Sri Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar. Lovepreet Singh Toofan, Gurdaspur, who was released from the jail on Thursday, also accompanied them.
Amritpal Singh, speaking on the occasion, took strong objection to Punjab DGP's Gaurav Yadav's remarks that the protesters used the Guru Granth Sahib as a shield to attack police personnel. "Lovepreet Singh Toofan was put behind bars illegally. He was booked on false charges. So we were successful in freeing him from prison. So the matter should be stopped from further discussion. The chapter is closed now," he added.
Amritpal Singh said that the protesters who attacked the police would be punished. Lovepreet Singh Toofan had been arrested on February 18 by the Ajnala police on charges of rioting and kidnapping. Toofan was released from the prison when pro-Khalistan leader Amritpal Singh led by his supporters orchestrated a major showdown at the police station on Thursday.