New Delhi: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Wednesday reiterated her call for cancelling the CBSE exams, saying the Centre must not ignore the voice of the students and call off the tests due to the COVID-19 situation in the country.
In a Facebook post, Priyanka Gandhi said that in the past few days., she heard from many students across the country raising some important issues related to the examinations amid the second wave of COVID-19.
They say that in the last days leading up to the examinations, there is already pressure of preparation and now there was additional pressure of protection against the virus on them, according to Priyanka Gandhi.
'Along with that, there is also the danger of safety of teachers engaged in exam duty and families of students,' the Congress general secretary said.
Read:CBSE board exams issue: PM to hold meeting with Pokhriyal
In such a situation, despite the demands raised by the students, the silence of the education minister and the government on this subject is 'astonishing', she said.
Priyanka Gandhi recalled that she had also written a letter to Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank to cancel the board examinations.