New Delhi: Priyanka Gandhi has slammed the BJP over the heckling incident of two nuns in a train accusing them of religious conversion allegedly by ABVP members.
Priyanka Gandhi tweeted: "Which political party runs the government that enables these goons to harass and demand personal details of young women commuting on a train? BJP."
"Which political party do these goons belong to? BJP
"Which party's student wing are some of them members of? BJP
"And now that there is an election in Kerala HM @AmitShah is busy giving hollow statements about protecting nuns from harassment. Really?" she added.
The nuns were heckled allegedly by ABVP members.
According to reports, the incident took place last week when the nuns were travelling on the Haridwar-Puri Utkal Express. On March 19, the ABVP members had accused the nuns and novices of carrying out religious conversions.