New Delhi: Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra spoke with the mother of the Unnao murder victim extending her full support and assuring that Congress will fight for her. The body of the 22-year old girl, who had been missing for two months, has now been found buried in a plot near an ashram owned by Samajwadi Party leader Fateh Bahadur Singh.
Earlier today, Gandhi also launched an attack on the ruling BJP and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath saying, "What took place in Unnao is not new to Uttar Pradesh. A Dalit woman's mother kept running from pillar to post for her daughter and, in the end, she got her daughter's body. The administration did not listen to her. Instead of doing politics on the issue, the BJP should answer why the administration did not listen to the mother in January?"
"Yogi ji, you should stop talking about law and order in your speeches. Under your administration, women have to struggle to get justice. When they are tortured and killed, nobody listens to them," she further added.
While speaking to the victim's mother, Priyanka Gandhi said, "I will soon come to meet you and I will raise your voice and will fight for you."