New Delhi: After a successful G20 Summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the 9th P20 Summit on October 13. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla will grace the occasion. Besides, presiding officers of the Parliaments of G20 Nations, presiding officers of Parliaments of invited countries will also attend the Summit.
Notably, the President of the Pan African Parliament will be making their inaugural participation in the P-20 Summit hosted in India. The Summit will be held at the newly constructed India International Convention and Expo Centre (IICC) in Yashobhoomi, Dwarka, New Delhi. Arthur César Pereira de Lira, President of the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil, Speaker of the House of Commons, Lindsay Hoyle, President of Pan African Union Dr. Ashebir W Gayo, Ana Lilia Rivera, President of the Senate, Mexico, Kim Jin-pyo, Speaker of the National Assembly, Republic of Korea, Amos Masondo, Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, South Africa.
Shaikh Abdulmalik Abdullah Al Khalili, Chairman of the State Council, Oman, and Duarte Pacheco, President, IPU have arrived today to attend the Summit. Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury, Speaker of Parliament of Bangladesh arrived on October 10. Presiding officers of both Houses of Parliament of Australia, Senator Sue Lines, President of the Senate of Australia, and Milton Dick, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Australia arrived in New Delhi on October 7 to attend the Summit.
Adhering to the philosophy of "VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM" — Parliaments for One Earth, One Family, One Future, the Summit highlights the importance of global unity and cooperation. It emphasizes the idea that our world is one interconnected family and that our collective actions today shape the future for all.
This theme serves as a reminder to parliaments and nations worldwide that addressing global challenges, such as sustainable development, climate change, gender equality, and peace requires collaborative efforts, transcending borders and differences. It embodies the spirit of coming together as a global community to build a better future for everyone, leaving no one behind.
Also read: Explainer:Post G20 summit, India faces fresh diplomatic challenges