Mumbai:Aryan Khan was expected to be granted bail today, but VV Patil, special judge for cases under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS) in Mumbai rejected his bail application. Reacting to it, State Minority Minister and Nationalist Congress Party spokesperson Nawab Malik said, "Not today, but tomorrow, 90 per cent of these cases will be proved fake in court. We are collecting evidence on how 90 per cent of these cases were pre-planned,"
Nawab Malik has called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to conduct a judicial inquiry into the Narcotics Control Bureau's actions throughout the year. Speaking to the media, Nawab Malik said, "Firstly, I have no objection to the verdict given by the judge today,"
Mallik says from the NDPS Court to the High Court, the argument of the NCB advocates keeps changing every time. They bring new subjects to court every time. This is a new trick to get some people involved. "We have seen many such things. In our case five lakh WhatsApp chats kept showing. It was not mentioned in the chargesheet. I don't know why bail was not given today. I have a case in which they have written that this is a bailable offence," added Nawab Malik.