Mumbai: In a major move, Mahanagar Gas Limited has announced to reduce the price of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) by Rs 6 per kg and PNG will be cheaper by Rs 4 per kg in Mumbai and its surrounding areas applicable from the midnight of 16 August 2022 to the morning of 17 August 2022. Hence, the revised price of CNG including taxes will be Rs 80 per kg, while of PNG gas will be Rs 48.50 per unit. It is a big relief to citizens who use CNG cars as it has become cheaper by six rupees.
Prices of CNG and PNG slashed by Rs 6 and 4 per kg
In a major relief to taxi drivers and citizens who use CNG cars, Mahanagar Gas Limited has announced to cut down the prices of both CNG and PNG. The revised prices will be applicable in Mumbai and surrounding areas.
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The price cut is a result of the increased improvement in the allocation of domestically produced natural gas by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL) has also reduced the prices of domestic piped natural gas. "The rate will be applicable in and around Mumbai from the midnight of 16 August 2022 to the morning of 17 August 2022. Accordingly, the revised price of CNG inclusive of all taxes will be Rs 80 per kg and the domestic PNG price will be Rs 48.50 in Mumbai and surrounding cities,” announced Mahanagar Gas Limited.
price cut in CNG and PNG