Bhubaneswar: President Droupadi Murmu is scheduled to undertake a two-day visit to Odisha on February 10. She will attend the second convocation of Rama Devi Women's University in the state capital during her two-day visit to the state. Sources said, it was the President herself, who had earlier evinced interest to attend the convocation of her alma mater and wrote to the Governor and Chancellor of the University, Ganeshi Lal, expressing her willingness for the same.
This will be the second visit of Murmu to Odisha after taking charge of the highest office in India in July, 2022. As per the President's itinerary, she will reach Bhubaneswar at about 11.45 am on February 10 and will attend a function marking the Foundation Day of the Jnanaprabha Mission. She is scheduled to attend the Second Convocation of Rama Devi Women's University in the afternoon.