New Delhi: President Ram Nath Kovind on Sunday completed four years in office, the Rashtrapati Bhavan said, highlighting that he gave assent to 63 Bills of the Union and state governments, besides lauding frontline Covid warriors for saving countess lives across the country among others initiatives.
Kovind, aged 76, was sworn in as the 14th President of India on 25 July, 2017. "President Ram Nath Kovind completes four years in office today," the Rashtrapati Bhavan said in a tweet and shared an e-book highlighting activities during his fourth year of presidency.
As Everyone's President, Kovind visited 13 states and two union territories and met 780 people during these visits, according to the e-book. As the custodian of the Constitution, the president administered oath of office and secrecy to the members of the council of ministers and the chief justice of India, and gave assent to 43 Bills of the Union government and 20 Bills of the state governments, it said.
For the At Home reception on Independence Day at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, Kovind invited some frontline corona warriors working in Delhi as special guests and lauded their courage and dedication in saving countless lives across the country, the e-book said.
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