Patna:President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad Pravin Togadia has threatened to launch a nationwide agitation against raging unemployment in the country saying one crore posts are lying vacant in various departments that needs to be filled immediately. Togadia, who is currently on Bihar visit, offered prayers at the Amarnath temple located on the Bhutnath Road in Patna. He demanded that the Centre provide employment to the youth and improve the country's economy, or else he would start a protest from Bihar. The State and Central governments should fill one crore posts lying vacant in different departments.
"The Centre should change the economic policies or the people would be forced to resort to an economic revolution similar to one launched by independence activist Jayaprakash Narayan. The inflation is rapidly growing in the country. Hence, there is an urgent need of appropriate and immediate measures to counter the situation," Togadia said on Sunday.