Puri:Amid chants of hymns, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Tuesday inaugurated the country's second Rashtriya Adarsh Veda Vidyalaya (RAVV) in Puri, with the objective of spreading knowledge of the Vedas among people. The RAVV or the National Model Vedic School has come up on the campus of the Central Sanskrit University here. Maharishi Sandipani Rashtriya Ved Vidya Pratishthan is the first such school in Madhya Pradesh's Ujjain.
Feel fortunate to inaugurate this institute, which is also called the Shree Jagannath Rashtriya Adarsh Veda Vidyalaya. The objective of this institute is to conserve knowledge of the Vedas and spread it among people, Pradhan said. The institute, a residential school where education and lodging will be provided free of cost, will help promote the Sanskrit language as well, he said.