Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Wednesday granted interim protection from arrest to businessman Raj Kundra till August 25 in a porn film racket case registered in 2020 by the Mumbai Police here. When the matter came up for hearing, his lawyer Prashant Patil argued that the other co-accused in the case are already out on bail and the offences against Kundra attract a punishment of less than seven years, and hence deserved protection from arrest.
Opposing the plea, Additional Public Prosecutor Prajakta Shinde said that the role of accused (Kundra) was different from the other co-accused and sought more time for instructions on the merits of the case. While granting time, Justice S.K. Shinde allowed an interim order preventing Kundra's arrest till August 25, when the next hearing is scheduled.
Also read: Raj Kundra told me Shilpa Shetty liked my work, says Sherlyn Chopra