New Delhi: Uttarakhand (उत्तराखंड) Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami (पुष्कर सिंह धामी) who is on a visit to the national capital on Wednesday ruled out any political instability in the state. He met Union Home Minister Amit Shah and other union ministers in New Delhi (नई दिल्ली) yesterday and discussed various development projects in the state. During a conversation with ETV Bharat, Dhami answered queries about his frequent visits to Delhi, the 2022 Assembly polls in the state and others, but he told in unequivocal terms that the Delhi visit was purely to discuss the issues related to the state.
The chief minister further said that his visit was to discuss the progress of an ongoing the Tanakpur-Bageshwar (टनकपुर-बागेश्वर) broad gauge railway line project which holds strategic importance, as it is located near the China-Nepal (चीन-नेपाल) border. As the project comprises tunnel construction and works related to defence, roads, national security and other issues, he had to discuss it with union ministers, CM Dhami added.
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