New Delhi: The Saket Court of Delhi on Thursday said that in the view of the court the police remand of the accused Navneet Kalra is not warranted in the case relating to the alleged hoarding of oxygen concentrators in South Delhi.
Metropolitan Magistrate Akanksha Garg on Thursday decided not to send Kalra in further police remand and directed to send him in judicial custody for 14 days. "Whatever substantial had to be achieved by the investigating agency through the police remand of the accused has already been achieved and no fruitful purpose would be served by extending the police custody of the accused," said the court.
Read:Court rejects plea for custodial interrogation of Navneet Kalra, remanded to judicial custody
Court also noted that the offence in question in the present case is of grave nature and has serious implications upon society at large.
In these testing times when utmost humanity and compassion have been exhibited by people, a few miscreants in the society have resorted to vices like hoarding and blackmarketing of essential drugs and medical equipment which could otherwise have averted so much death and destruction.
However, the courts of law are not expected to be carried away by the public sentiment and therefore cannot authorise detention merely because some stringent and non-bailable sections have been slapped upon the accused by the prosecution.