Jammu:The police on Saturday raided multiple locations in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch in connection with a hawala racket that was unearthed with the arrest of two people who were allegedly routing money to terror outfits Lashkar-e-Taiba and Al Badr, officials said. Abdul Hamid Mir, a resident of Poonch, and Delhi-based garment trader Mohammad Yaseen were arrested from Jammu bus stand and the national capital on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. Hawala money worth Rs 24 lakh was recovered from them.
Police raids underway in Poonch in terror financing case
Abdul Hamid Mir, a resident of Poonch, and Delhi-based garment trader Mohammad Yaseen were arrested from Jammu bus stand and the national capital on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. Hawala money worth Rs 24 lakh was recovered from them.
The officials said police have been carrying out searches at multiple locations in Poonch since early this morning. "The raids are going on and further details are awaited," an official said. According to police, Yaseen, a resident of Delhi's Turkman Gate, revealed that the hawala money was being routed to India through South Africa and collected in Surat and Mumbai. He ran a garments business in Meena Bazaar and was the Delhi link to send this money to terror operatives in Jammu and Kashmir through couriers, the police had said earlier. (PTI)