Indore: Acting on leads provided by Mumbai's Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), the Indore police on Monday arrested the terror suspect Sarfaraz Memon from an apartment flat in the city. Officials from the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had provided intelligence inputs to Mumbai ATS about the whereabouts of Memon.
At the time of the raid, the terror suspect was not found in his house. Not finding Memon in the house, the Indore police took his parents along with them to the police station. Indore Deputy Commissioner of Police (Intelligence) Rajat Saklecha along with his police team raided the Green Park locality situated in Chandan Nagar area of the city.
When Memon learnt about the incident, he came to the police station in search of his parents. He was immediately arrested by the police. Preliminary investigations revealed that terror suspect Safaraz Memon had been to China and Hong Kong fifteen times. The passport impounded by the police revealed at least 15 entries in the document, sources said.