Katihar (Bihar): The police in the Katihar district of Bihar detained a Kashmiri youth for questioning late on Thursday night. During the routine patrol at around 1 am, the police detained a youth. He was carrying a bag pack on his shoulder and was moving aimlessly. When the police asked the youth to stop, in the Hindi language. But, he was unable to give a reply. This raised doubts. Besides, after not receiving a convincing reply from the youth for moving on the street in the dead hour of the night, the police took him into their custody.
A senior police officer said, "The youth was taken into custody during the routine night patrolling. Preliminary investigation revealed that his name is Nasir Waza, son of slain militant Yusuf Waza, who was killed by the security forces in the Valley recently." "The detained Kashmiri youth was handed over to the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) for further grilling and investigation. The primary investigation also revealed that the Kashmiri youth's involvement in anti-national and terror activities was not known," said the officer.