Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh):The controversy was yet to die downforSamajwadi Party leader Irfan Solanki in a house-torching case. On Monday night, police arrested Bholu, an aide of Irfan Solanki, in the Jajmau area of Kanpur in connection with the same case. He was stated to be an aide of Samajwadi Party leader Irfan Solanki. At present, Irfan was cooling his heels in jail pertaining to the same case.
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Samajwadi Party MLA Irfan Solanki has been lodged in Maharajganj jail for torching a woman's house in the Jajmau area of Kanpur. On Monday, police arrested builder Ejaz alias Ajjan, one of the aides of SP MLA in connection with the case. On Monday late at night, another accused Bholu, who happens to be a close associate of SP MLA, was arrested by the police. He was produced before the court on Tuesday.
Joint Commissioner of Police Anand Prakash Tiwari, said, "Several cases were pending against Bholu in different police stations of the state, including Jajmau. Bholu was wanted in a house torching case also. Based on the evidence, Bholu was arrested and forwarded to jail. A property attachment order was pasted in front of Bholu's house. After receiving the information, he surrendered before the police."
Samajwadi Party workers and office bearers made efforts so that SP MLA Irfan Solanki could get bail as soon as possible, Whereas the Kanpur Police Commissionerate was tightening its noose around him in connection with the case. Police put most of Irfan's close friends behind bars. More arrests were likely to take place in the coming days also.