Haridwar: The Uttarakhand Police has added names of Sagar Sindhu Maharaj and Yeti Narasimhanand Giri in the FIR based on the viral video clip regarding the controversial statement in the Dharam Sansad held in Haridwar. The police have added the names of the hate speech case regarding indecent language and indecent remarks.
Meanwhile, the Muslim Seva Sangathan marched to the police headquarters demanding the arrest of Wasim Rizvi alias Jitendra Narayan Tyagi. The police stopped the protesters by putting up barricades thus people sat down in protest. The protesters have demanded action from the Director-General of Police in the matter.
Two cases have been registered by the Muslim Seva Sangathan against Waseem Rizvi alias Jitendra Narayan Tyagi for making indecent remarks in his book and making inflammatory speeches in the recently held Dharam Sansad.
Earlier, in the three-day Dharam Sansad held in Haridwar, indecent remarks were made thus the police had registered a case in the name of Jitendra Narayan Singh Tyagi, Mahamandaleshwar Dharamdas and Mahamandaleshwar Annapurna Bharti on the complaint of Gulbahar Khan in Haridwar Nagar Kotwali on which the police have now added the names of Sagar Sindhu Maharaj and Yeti Narasimhanand Giri to the FIR on the basis of the viral video clip.